Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Tulisan Opini

 Do Fun in DuFan( Fantasy World)

DuFan is stands for Dunia Fantasi. Dunia Fantasi at North Jakarta. Jakarta might be proud because it has a fabulous fantasy which is similar with the other country like Singapore and so on. Most of people almost have known about that popular vacation. Dunia Fantasi usually is fulfilled by the visitors when the student gets holiday, weekend and the end of the year.

I have gone there for five times. For the first time when I went there, I was 12 years old but I was big excited to get on an extreme game. I went with my lovely family. Every time I went to DuFan, I have never felt fed up. I’m always ecstatic even though I was dead tired. Why I say like that? because Dunia Fantasi could warranty that it would give best service to visitor. Amount of money that I spent to pay it equals with the game and service that I received. Then it principled could I felt. I would list the advantages that I accepted when I went there.
  •  A remarkable games 
In my view, DuFan has so many of various interesting games with high technology. Some of that vehicle can encourage adrenalin by trying the available game in DuFan such as Tornado, Kora-Kora, Pontang-Panting, Hysteria, Niagara, Kicir-Kicir or Power Surge, Halilintar. I think the most terrifying games are Kicir-Kicir or Power Surge and Halilintar. It could make my body was turned during repeatedly with the high speed. The carriage will go with very high speed, then turn quickly and it made my adrenalin was very increase immediately when I got on that vehicle.  
  •  Low Cost
I think the cost of that recreation wasn’t too expensive. If we compare to other country which has a recreation as similar as DuFan is not too expensive. It was achievable to other people especially in urban modern. The amount of money that we have paid equal with the satisfaction of the game that we have gotten. It wasn’t expensive to be compared by the vehicle that could be tried.
  • Safety
Not only has high technology of the vehicle, but also in security. Every game has manager who has obligation to look after all of visitors. They will check the machine before it will operate. The machine always in a good condition. If DuFan feels the machine of the vehicle running bad, they will repair it quickly. DuFan can guarantee it.
  • Unique Building
In my view, DuFan has a unique building. It might influenced by other country such as Europe. It is the additional score for DuFan.
  • Food Court
Almost in the every side sell some kind of food. From cheap to expensive. It depends on you, you will buy cheap food or expensive. So, we won’t feel hungry.

We can get a lot of advantages if we go vacation there. However, in my view, it lacks of mosque. For additional, the visitors who come in weekday only enjoy the game till 6 o’clock. Nevertheless, it’s no problem because it is the a small part if we compare with the advantage which will we get.

Tugas Tulisan Opini
Name    : Welma Yunia Sari
Class    : 3SA05
NPM     : 17611368
Jurnalistik 1

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