Kamis, 18 Juni 2015



                 Strategi Struktural dalam Penerjemahan
     Ada tiga strategi dasar yang berkenaan dangan masalah struktur, yaitu:
·         Penambahan
Penambahan di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi kaharusan.
·         Pengurangan
Pengurangan artinya adanya pengurangan elemen structural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.
·         Transposisi
Transposisi adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga termasuk di dalam strategi ini.

Transposisi juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika. 

            2. TARGET LANGUAGE
                Structural strategy in translation
                There are three basic strategies regarding structure, namely :
     1.      Addition
    Addition is adding some words in a target language. This kind of addition is not about optional, but compulsory.
    2.      Reduction
    Reduction can be stated as some reductions of structural element in a target language. Both of reduction and addition are a compulsory strategy.
    3.       Transposition
    Transposition is an essential thing. If translation is not employing this strategy, the meaning or the message of source language is not conveyed. Transposition becomes optional when it occurs because of language style. By employing this strategy, translator changes the structure of the source language into the target language to achieve the equivalent. This transposition can transpose from plural to singular form, position of adjective and the entire sentence structure. Separation one into two sentences of the source language or more, or combination two/more sentences of source language into one sentence of target language is included in this strategy.
   Transposition also can do because language style consideration or stylistic.

CLASS   : 4SA05
NPM      : 17611368

Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Strategy of Translation ( Third Assignment)


Strategi Struktural dalam Penerjemahan. Ada tiga strategi dasar yang berkenaan dangan masalah struktur, yaitu:
·    Penambahan
Penambahan di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi kaharusan.
·     Pengurangan
Pengurangan artinya adanya pengurangan elemen structural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.
·     Transposisi
Transposisi adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga termasuk di dalam strategi ini.
Transposisi juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika.

There are three basic strategies in form of structure, they are :
1.         Addition
It means adding some words in the target language or target text. The addition in this strategy, not about choice but it is an imperative.
2.         Reduction
The reduction means the reduction of structural elements in the target language. Same with addition strategy, the reduction in this strategy is an imperative.
3.         Transposition
Transposition is an imperative and important thing if without this strategy, the message in source language cannot be

There are three basic strategies in form of structure, they are :
1.    Addition
Addition is add some words in target language. This addition is not about optional, but it must.
2.   Reduction
Reduction means there are some reductions of structural element in target language. Either reduction or addition is an essential.
3.   Transposition
Transposition is an essential thing. If translation without this strategy, the fully meaning and the message of source language do not be implied. Transposition becomes optional when it happens because of style of language. Using this strategy, translator changes the structure of origin language into target language to achieve equivalent. This transposition can transpose from plural to singular form, position of adjective and transpose the entire sentence structure. Separation one into two sentences of source language or more, or combination two/more sentences of source language into one sentences of target language includes in this strategy.
Transposition also can do because language style consideration or stylistic.

 Name   : Welma Yunia Sari
Class     : 4SA05
NPM      : 17611368
Third Assignment

Compare 5 machines translation

The writer tries to compare five software translation. They are Ginger, SDL, Trados, Wordbee and Systran. The comparison contains of the strength and weakness from those applications of translation.
1.       Ginger

The strength    :

Ginger has a feature to check the grammar, so the writer tests that feature. The writer makes passive voice sentence. Then, This first machine of translation can correct the structure of grammar in form of passive voice. It can change the verb in the first sentence into past participle.

Besides, this machine translation can change the correct verb which supposes to be.

Meanwhile, the writer analyzes the grammar checker in form of gerund. To my amazement, it can change the verb which should gerund magically.

Not only that, the writer also analyzes the grammar checker of ginger’s software in tenses. Thus, it can change the correct verb that should add with suffix ing.

Besides, the grammar checker of ginger’s software can change the singular noun into plural noun. The word apple changes into apples.

Hence, the grammar checker can correct the word tall into taller. In summary, feature grammar checker of ginger can correct about comparative degree.

The weakness  :

Unfortunately, this application cannot correct noun clause. The sentence I don’t know what the meaning should be I don’t know what the meaning is

It cannot correct noun clause, nor it can correct tag question. This application cannot correct the tag guestion form.

Not only that, the other weakness is the translation feature of this application cannot translate the text naturally. The writer tries to test the application with fill in the sentence from a novel. However, it cannot translate well.
Therefore, ginger’s machine translation will be suitable to translate the official document which can translate word by word or literal translation.
2.    SDL
The other machine translation is SDL.

The strength          :

In SDL’s machine translation, it is good enough to translate an article than a novel. The writer analyzes the application with fill in the sentence from article. Then, SDL can translate it well. Hence, SDL uses word for word translation and literal translation.
The weakness  :

Then, the writer tries to quote a sentence from a novel. Nevertheless, SDL’s machine translation translates the passage unnaturally. Ginger is better to translate than SDL’s application.
In summary, SDL’s application software of translation is good enough and suitable to translate the official document or article.
3.      SYSTRAN
The writer finds the weakness from this machine translation:

This machine translation cannot translate the whole sentence. It only translates a word of sentence

The strength of this application:
Systrans can translate the word into another language which people intended the text. Then, Systrans will give some other expressions of that word. Besides, Systran will give some phrases related on that word.

4.      WORDBEE

Wordbee helps translator work better and faster. Wordbee include the online CAT tools that gets rave review. Wordbee lets us machine translate complete documents with Google Translate and the Microsoft Translator. However, I couldn’t make this software work because it took long time to get freelance or free trial.

5.      TRADOS
If the translator wants to translate context from source language into the target language, this machine translation gives us the advantage than any kind of machine translations to attach the intended text from Microsoft word, Open Office and PDF. So we can save time to translate in particular.
Then, trados can save the terminology and glossary. Trados has storage to save the result of translation, so translator does not need to translate again. Therefore, trados is very useful for translators.

Unfortunately, the writer couldn’t make experiment to this application, because the witer got difficult when downloading trados. 

Name    : Welma Yunia Sari
Class     : 4SA05
NPM     : 17611368
Second Assignment

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer (Tugas 1)


Top 10 most popular beaches in Indonesia
Being the largest archipelago state in the world, Indonesia offers travelers endless options of beautiful beaches to bathe in the sun and dig your toes into the sand.
TripAdvisor has announced the winner of its 2015 Travelers' Choice awards for beaches. The awards recognize the best beaches globally, including top lists for Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, South America, the South Pacific, the UK and the US.
In Indonesia, Nusa Dua Beach in Bali was named the top beach in Indonesia and ranked 13th in Asia. The award-winning beaches were determined based on the quantity and quality of traveler reviews and ratings for beaches on TripAdvisor gathered over a 12-month period.
“It's that time of the year when most people are dreaming of lying on a beach, so it's a perfect time to unveil the world's best beaches, based on feedback from the TripAdvisor community,” said Barbara Messing, chief marketing officer for TripAdvisor.
Whether it is the soft sand, the crystal turquoise water or the perfect waves, here is the complete list of the most popular beaches in Indonesia according to TripAdvisor.


10 Pantai Paling Terkenal di Indonesia
Menjadi negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, Indonesia menawarkan para wisatawan pilihan pantai-pantai yang tak terbatas dari pantai-pantai indah untuk berjemur di bawah sinar matahari dan menapakkan kaki anda di pasir pantai.
TripAdvisor telah mengumumkan pemenang dari Penghargaan Pantai Pilihan Wisatawan 2015. Penghargaan tersebut mengenalkan pantai-pantai terbaik serentak, meliputi daftar-daftar terbesar seperti Asia, Afrika, Kepulauan Karibia, Eropa, Amerika Selatan, Pasific Selatan, Inggris dan Amerika Serikat.

CLASS           : 4SA05
NPM                :17611368

First Assignment of Computer-Aided Translation

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015


A preposition is used to connect a noun structure to others( e.g. pronoun) in a sentence. In other words, preposition is like a bridge which is used to connect between one place to other. So, Noun or pronoun is very important for preposition in order that preposition can be used. This automatically states that without nouns or pronoun, preposition will be nothing!.
According to the usage in cases of sentences, preposition has 6 structures, they are;
1.      In a structure of a noun
e.g. I come from Indonesia.
2.      In a structure of a pronoun
e.g. He gave it to me
Note: Pronoun here may be an objective pronoun and possession
For examples:
I need you. (Objective pronoun)
She is one of friends of mine (Possession)
3.      In a Gerundial Phrases
e.g. I object to telling the information to him.
4.      In a noun clause
e.g. I object to telling the information to who stole my money.
5.      In a part of verb (But, it has full meaning verb)
e.g. I get up early every morning.

note: /get up/ and others, like; keep on, carry out, get on, go up, give up, etc, is also called a phrasal verb. Why phrase? It is because the verb forms a phrase by placing a preposition behind it and create a new and full meaning which differs from the original verb.
For example:
get = to gain something
get up = e.g. get up from lying down, get up from bed or get up from failure.

6.      In a part of verb (But, the preposition describes something else, like a direction or a place)
e.g. When I look into your eyes, there's .......(/into/ denotes something exist inside).

As you know that Preposition is usually placed before its noun object. But sometimes, preposition can be placed in the end of the sentence with or without a noun beside it.
For examples:
That's the house where I live in. (With a full verb /live/)
This sentence dontes a place which described by /that's the house/.
What's on tonight?
This sentence has preposition which stands alone without others, like a verb or noun or pronoun. However, The preposition /on/ has a function as an adverb to indicate that something is on or off, say, a film. In other cases, /on/, here, describes the hit or rank, e.g. The company reaches its highest target tonight while others not.

Preposition has three forms in its usage;
1)simple preposition, preposition has single part, e.g. of, on, by, near, off, in, at, etc.
2)two parts of preposition, preposition which is created from the combination of words and a certain particle.
e.g. instead of, because of, so that, as for, apart from, etc
3)three parts of preposition, preposition has three parts in use, e.g. by means of, in regard to, etc.

When preposition is combined to other words and has a full meaning, it is called "Prepositional phrase".
According to its function, prepositional phrase has functions, as;
1.Adverbial, as in, they stood under the tree. (denotes a certain place ---> Adverb of place)
2.Adjectival, prepositional phrase which modifies or give some information to a noun.
  e.g. I have got to attend the meeting at seven o'clock.
3.Nominal, preposition which is placed after a full verb. This is usually called "Prepositional object". Object here denotes a place where the prepositional phrase is placed, i.e., after a full verb.
Note that Adverb can be modified. see also modifying adverb clause.
For examples:
I am waiting for her.
Notice that the preposition /for/ is placed after the verb /waiting/.
Preposition, when it has its own building, as in prepositional phrase, it has a position in sentences.
a)     initial, placed at the beginning of a sentence.
For example:
For the sake of you, I'll do everything.
b)     middle, placed in the middle of a sentence which uses commas in its left and right sides.
For example:
If you wish, for the sake of you, I'll do everything.
c)     final, placed in the end of the sentence.
For example:
I'll do everything for the sake of you.
When we would like to show the details, we can placed one prepositional phrase to others at the same time.

For example:
I'll attend the meeting in Bali at 8.00 tonight

EXERCISE         :
Analyze this article below about the structure preposition!

Some people live for making presentations; others consider it their worse nightmare.  It could be five people in a boardroom or 500 in the audience, but if you are the presenter the spotlight is on you. You'll either be the hero or the goat.
No need to panic. Here are five ways to help make your presentation astounding and enjoy the opportunity to bask in the limelight.
1. Give it Focus
No one is impressed by a presentation that rambles. Rambling happens when the speaker is both self-indulgent and unorganized. Your purpose and prose must be specifically directed to interests of your listeners or they will mentally shut you down. Even if you hit upon a topic of interest, you will lose them quickly if they can't follow the logic of your ideas. Outline the structure of your presentation in a way that people can follow easily. Research your audience to make sure the topic is truly of interest. Promoting the benefits of beef at a vegetarian conference will likely empty your venue no matter how strong your passion for steak.
2. Tell Compelling Stories
There must be a reason you are presenting to these people. Most likely you want them to take action of some kind. Maybe you want them to write you a check, get involved in an activity, or to make something happen in their own lives. They won't likely take action just because you tell them to do so. You need to connect with them emotionally and inspire them to change behavior. Stories do more for emotional connection than any other speech technique. The more personal and authentic, the more powerful the response you'll receive. Learn how to construct stories that excite, motivate and compel people to action. Most importantly, make sure your stories have humor and Aha! moments to make them memorable.
3. Give an Entertaining Performance
Not every presenter has to be an actor or comedian, but no one wants to listen to someone drone on in dull monotone. There are powerful dynamics in movement and vocal inflections that will help your listeners feel your passion and energy.  Give them an awesome experience. Take the time to create a script and memorize it so you own the material. You don't have to know it word for word but you should be able to clearly articulate the key points without your notes. Then you need to rehearse... a lot. As painful as it might be, watch yourself on video and work to remove Uhhs,Umms and physical tics so you appear polished and comfortable. Find a friend with a performance background to coach you so your diction is clear, you project emotion, and you connect with your eyes. Make your audience knows they are worth your effort.
4. Use Media Only to Enhance
PowerPoint, visuals and video are powerful presentation tools when used correctly. But they can be disastrous distractions when misused. They should never replace you as the provider of expertise. Don't ever let your audience feel they would have been better off if you had just emailed them the deck. Keep your PowerPoint to a few words and never read from the screen in the presentation. Ask yourself if a slide or video is truly necessary before adding anything. Visuals are good for making an emotional connection only if they are relevant and required, otherwise best to just leave the projector off and focus more on your storytelling and performance skills.
5. Create a Worthy Leave-Behind
So you just delivered the best presentation ever. Now your audience heads off to the next speaker, to lunch or back to their desks.  People are busy and no matter how much you impressed them they will turn their attentions elsewhere. Give them something to remember you by. Professional speakers will give them a book or at least a couple of chapters. It might be as simple as a small flyer or premium item. Whatever it is, make sure it's relevant to your compelling story and reminds them of the action they should take. Be clever and appropriate so people will appreciate your thoughtfulness as well as your ideas.

Structure of preposition
1.   In a structure noun
·     It could be five people in a boardroom or 500 in the audience.
From the sentence above, there have structure of preposition. The structure is in form of a noun. In include as preposition, after in is followed by noun (boardroom and audience). In a boardroom also can denote as a place.
·     Here are five ways to help make your presentation astounding and enjoy the opportunity to bask in the limelight.
That sentence above has also structure preposition of a noun. The preposition is in followed by noun (limelight).

·     No one is impressed by a presentation that rambles.
By a presentation has a structure of a noun. The preposition is by. It is followed by noun (presentation).

2.   In a structure of a pronoun
·     if you are the presenter the spotlight is on you.
A clause above has a structure of preposition. A structure preposition of a pronoun. On includes as a preposition, after on is followed by pronoun (you).

3.   In a structure of gerundial phrase
·     Some people live for making presentations; others consider it their worse nightmare. 
For denotes a preposition. Preposition is usually followed by verb ing (making) or as gerund like the sentence above.

4.   In a part of verb (phrasal verb)
·        Visuals are good for making an emotional connection only if they are relevant and required, otherwise best to just leave the projector off and focus more on your storytelling and performance skills.
·        Even if you hit upon a topic of interest, you will lose them quickly if they can't follow the logic of your ideas.
·        Now your audience heads off to the next speaker, to lunch or back to their desks
Those sentence in particular show a structure a preposition in form of phrasal verb such leave off, heads off and hit upon. Those verbs are followed by prepositions off and upon.

CLASS  : 4SA05
NPM      : 17611368

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